Welcome to my new website! The launch of this new redesign has been a long time coming and I am happy to say, this is also a new rebranding of me! I plan on expanding my portfolio of works, along with sharing ideas and experiences on my new blog. While I can’t promise to post every day, I can promise that when I do, it will be about interesting topics in various subjects, from art and design to finances. I love learning new things in life, and I love even more so to share my experiences with others who are just as curious as me. “Curiouser and curiouser!”, as exclaimed by another more famous Alice.
My original website was created back in 2008, later redesigned in 2011, however the content hadn’t been updated until this summer. A lot has happened since, with my portfolio now incorporating digital marketing. Also technology has changed quite a bit since those days. I had coded my previous website from scratch, utilizing HTML/CSS/Javascript to customize the look and functionality. While I ended up giving up the domain name www.bakabunny.com earlier this year, you can still see the old site at www.bakabunny.maoalice.com.
This time around I decided to go with WordPress, because why reinvent the wheel when you have free content management systems that allow for easier integration of functionality, plug-ins, and updates. With life being so busy, who has time to tinker with code when you have drag and drop widgets. Automation is god and I am a devoted follower. However that doesn’t mean I am going to stop coding, it just means I can now focus precious time to code that matters. I can’t say that WordPress doesn’t have flaws (it has quite a bit and don’t get me started with some of the themes) but it is definitely convenient.
Speaking of code, one of the things I was sad to learn is Adobe will be ending Flash Player support in December (see https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/end-of-life.html). While most people are like “good riddance, who cares”, unfortunately I have a lot of great interactives I had created back in the day that I can’t convert to HTML5/WebGL unless I recode the activities from ActionScript 1.0 to ActionScript 3.0. However this isn’t going to keep me down. If anything, this is going to give me reason to expand my knowledge in Animate, which only last year did I learn that Flash never went away, it only got rebranded. HURRAY! I haven’t used Flash in years but now I am excited to dive back in there for animation and interactive projects.
I am currently starting a new journey in my professional career and personal life, and hope to integrate the two into something I love and am proud to showcase on this site. I welcome everyone to join me in these explorations. Hopefully we can all learn something new together! Thanks for reading and see you in the next post!